Oflag 21B (21B)
Schubin bei Bromberg (Szubin), Poland
In September 1940, the boys' school in the town was surrounded by barbed wire fences and additional concrete huts were added so that it could become a prisoner of war camp for captured Polish soldiers. It was turned into an Oflag in December 1940 and named Oflag XXI-B. In the following years many Allied officers were imprisoned here.
In April 1943 the British prisoners were transported to Stalag Luft III and, in June 1943, the camp was renamed Oflag 64 and reserved for American officers. Those officers capable of walking were forced to march towards the west on the 21st January 1945. When Oflag 64 was liberated by the Soviet 61th army on the 23rd January 1945 they discovered around 100 Americans who had been left behind by the Germans.
Today, a memorial commemorates the prisoners of this camp. The school building (rear left of the photograph) is the only building of the camp to have survived. You can match the building to the B&W image on this page.
For more information on this camp visit the Polish-American Foundation website (opens in a new window).
The following 49Sqn aircrew member was a prisoner here during WW2