Beware of the Dog at War (Second Edition)
The original book (right hand picture) is now out of print and the second edition has over 100 additional pages of new data with more than 100 new photographs. It is a genuine ‘hard back’ with dust jacket and retails at only £35.
Unfortunately, there are no copies of either edition still available.
The untimely death of the author, John Ward, means that the publication of the planned third edition will now be delayed.
Future publication details will be announced to members and via the Association's Facebook page.
Recommended reading by other publishers
Almost a lifetime
ISBN 9780968445402
Shamrock Publications
PO Box 615
Saltspring Island
British Columbia
V8K 2W2 Canada
Copies can be sent to Europe for $35 (Canadian)
For further details contact the Publishers.
Nachtjagd War Diaries
Nachtjagd War Diaries by Dr Theo E W Boiten
Volume one (black cover) ISBN 978-0-9554735-6-2
Volume two (white cover) ISBN 978-1-906592-00-4
Both books are published by Red Kite at £40 each
Books by Oliver Clutton-Brock
Books by Oliver Clutton-Brock
'Footprints on the sands of time'
ISBN-10: 1904010350
ISBN-13: 978-1904010357
'RAF Evaders' is published
ISBN-10: 190650217X
ISBN-13: 978-1906502171
Both books are published by Grub Street
Bomber Command Losses
Books by W R Chorley
This is the first book in a series of nine volumes which is a unique reference source for those interested in the operations of Bomber Command and for those researching members of their family who served with Bomber Command during the conflict.
This book and the other volumes identifies the units, the aircraft, the crews and the circumstances behind each loss (operational or training) on a day-by-day basis in the European Theatre of Operations.
Appendices detail loss totals by squadron and aircraft type for each year; group loss totals; squadron bases by group and bomber OTU losses by unit and type. The meticulous and wide ranging research undertaken for this work will appeal to the historians and enthusiasts, as well as to the relatives and friends of the large number of airmen involved.
All of Billl's books are published by Ian Allan
(You need to search for "Bomber Command" as "Chorley" produces no results!)
"Three of a kind" by Kerry White

The main 49Sqn interest is the section concerning F/L Les Hammond RAAF.
The book is available on Amazon (ISBN: 978-0-9942814-2-5).
"The Withered Garland" by Group Captain Peter Johnson (ex-CO 49Sqn)
Available via Amazon Books (link opens in a new window)
"The Lost Graves of Peenemünde" by Mike McLeod & Sean Feast

Available via Amazon books