Additional Post-War Members of the Squadron
The 49 Squadron Association is aware that our Post WW2 records are somewhat incomplete.
The Association Archivist, Ed Norman, has examined all the ORBs and other documents to extract the names of squadron aircrew and groundcrew who served in the postwar period.
In doing this, he has found over 1500 additional names.
At this time, it is not practically possible to add this number of extra pages to the website.
As a solution, the two PDF files (PostWarAir & PostWarGround) can be downloaded from this page.
Names highlighted in red are possible duplicates (ie.....the same person).
If you are searching for a family member or friend and discover their name in either of the PDFs please let us know and we will create an additional page for them. This will allow you to add photographs and other details of their service.
Post War Aircrew
Post War Groundcrew
Click the text or icon to open the PDF (in a new window) or right click and use the "Save Link As" option (wording may vary according to your browser).
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