Retzow, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
Country | Germany |
Time Period | WW2 |
49Sqn Graves | 2 |
The cemetery lies at the end of a tree lined avenue
The CWGC section is in the NE corner
From L to R:
49Sqn Camm, Palmer and four unknowns
50Sqn Hartley and two unknowns
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There are gravestones for 18 known German soldiers
Here lie in peace 18 known and numerous unknown dead
To the victims of war and despotism
The middle gravestone is marked:
"Four Airmen"......members of the crew of Lancaster JB727.
The unknown airmen commemerated above are four of the five crew members of JB727 who are unaccounted for :
F/O G.T. Young
Sgt H. Conrad
Sgt D.D.R. Dallaway
F/O R. Stobo
Sgt D.F. Prusher
There is no record/evidence as to who the four airmen were and therefore the name of the missing airman is unknown.
This gravestone, second from the right, is Sgt M Hartley of DV376.
DV376 was a 50Sqn Lancaster based at Skellingthorpe which was lost on the 16th of February 1944 during a raid on Berlin.
Two further members of the crew are buried in Berlin.
The extreme right grave is marked:
"Two Airmen"......... Unknown members of the crew of Lancaster DV376
The Webmaster and his wife May photographed with Herr Heinrich and Frau Margarete Ross.
Frau Ross took care of the graves in the days of the DDR when the CWGC was unable to access the cemetery.