Stalag 4B (4B)


Mühlberg is a small German town located on the river Elbe approximately 80km northwest of Dresden.

This is the location of one of the largest German prisoner of war camps between 1939-1945. In total, approximately 300,000 prisoners from over 40 nations passed through the camp and more than 3,000 Soviet PoWs died here.

When the Soviet Army liberated the camp in April 1945 there were about 30,000 prisoners crowded into the facilities and, of these, 7250 were British

An impression of Stalag 4B by N Uchtman, a Dutch PoW

The main street of the camp

The main street 2022 (following a visit by the Webmaster).
A large number of display panels tell the story of the camp.

The base of one of the huts.

The following 49Sqn aircrew were PoWs here at some point during WW2

Anderson A F
Attwood G G
Boyd W A
Burrows J G
Cachart E B
Church H D
Crossman L C
Drinnan RK
Dunbabin N S
Fitzgerald W F

Kemp W
Lumsden G
Lynch E C
Mahony M O A
Mason J S
Norman R H
Panter N D
Payne W A
Petty R W
Putman S G

Richards S J
Roberts O
Robinson C
Spence I
Tucker A M
Tulloch T
Vidow A W

The following websites have additional information (opens in a new window)

The Pegasus Archive has a wide range of photographs

The Wikipedia article about Stalag 4B