Personnel Index - Detail
Flew 19 operations with 49Sqn.
Pilot.............................P/O A Edgar
Flight Engineer...........Sgt G Bedford (one operation with Sgt J Moss)
Navigator....................F/Sgt R Brooks (three operations F/L A Patchett)
Bomb Aimer...............Sgt A Millard
Wireless Operator......Sgt A Ridpath
Mid-Upper Gunner.....Sgt J Watters
Rear Gunner..............Sgt Don Harwood
Alan Edgar (extreme left) and crew with a Short Stirling at a HCU prior to joining 49Sqn.
John Watters and Don Harwood are the pair on the RHS.
L-R: Alf Ridpath, Allan Millard, Bob Brooks, Don Harwood, John Watters with Alan Edgar in front wearing a turban.
The above medals, presented by Sean Woodhouse, are now in the care of the Association.
"Posted out" 1961.