Personnel Index - Detail
A Valiant pilot involved in "Operation Grapple".
Following three tests over Malden Island ending on the 19th June 1957, the fourth test (to be flown by S/L Millett) was cancelled as sufficient data had been collected.
Extract from a report by the Natural Resources Defense Council - NWD 92-5
Questions on the British H-Bomb by Robert Standish Norris June 22, 1992.
"On the 8th December 1957, Squadron Leader Barney Millett's crew dropped 'Round C' off Christmas Island.
This time there were many witnesses who attested to its effects. The detonation took place only 25 miles from the main base and airfield with its population of some 3000 men.
The size of the explosion may have been larger than anticipated and the blast wave was powerful."