Personnel Index - Detail

First Names
Campbell Murray
Second Lieutenant
Crew Position
Probably Observer
Posting In
Posting Out
Late 1919


Images are courtesy of Alan Dewfall whose neighbour was in possession of these photographs.

Lt C M Donald was posted in to 49Sqn when they were based (post-war) in Bavay.

This image (possibly) shows Campbell Muray at date or additional information.

Lt Donald is pictured LHS and top RHS in these two images.

The final set of pictures shows scenes at RAF Bavay.
"Puddin" may refer to Lt Donald in the named image taken on the 7th March 1919.

In May 1919, the squadron moved to Bickendorf (near Cologne) and was disbanded there in July 1919.

Lt Donald's service record fails to mention 49Sqn but indicates that at some point in 1919 he was "Transferred to Unemployed List".

A number of other images were included in his possessions and these are included for interest.

Labelled "Duxford 1918".

A DH9 (D7357) possibly showing Lt Donald as Observer.

An unknown German this image was in Lt Donald's collection there is the possibility that this is a posed photograph in a captured aircraft.

A series of bombing photographs taken by Lt Donald during service with 108Sqn (see his service record image).

It has been suggested that the lower image which contains a tantalising number of clues.....canal/river shape and what appears to be a marshalling Auchy-les-Mines.

Google Map view today (but 180º rotated).......opens in a new window.