49 Squadron Awards
17 October, 1942; LE CREUSOT (DAYLIGHT):
The weather forecast for this day was favourable, so in the early hours, the codename 'Operation Robinson' was signalled to the 8 Lancaster Squadrons of 5 Group.
During briefing at Scampton, the crews of 49 and 57 Squadrons learned for the first time, what their low-flying practice flights had been for.
They were to take part in a set piece daylight attack on the large Schneider factory at Le Creusot, 300 miles into France.
Aircrew of 49 Squadron were also informed that the operation was to be led by their CO, W/Cmdr Slee, and that the squadron would be in the vanguard of the attack.
At interrogation, 49's exhilarated crews all reported excellent bombing results. Only later did recce photographs show that some of the 88 aircraft involved, had bombed short of the target.
For their actions during the operation, both W/Cmdr Slee and P/O Grant were deservedly awarded the DSO.