The loss of ED620
Colin Henderson, nephew of Sgt Adam Anderson reords:
I visited the area on the 75th and now the 80th anniversary of his death, at Stadle Kirke site of the crash there is a noticeboard with a picture of Sgt Barclay who survived the crash and visited the site in 1987.
In Ringkobing musuem there are parts of the plane and Sgt Evan's flying helmet.
The Commonwealth War Graves at Lemvig cemetery are neat and well kept. Three of the crew lie side by side Anderson, Telfer and Cook while Evans, for some reason, is 3 rows away.
I also visited the German defenses that hit the plane on that night on the seafront at Houvig Strand.
Inside the church.
Door of the chapel.
Leving the church.
Walk to the grave (1).
Walk to the grave (2).
Laying the coffin.
Burial party.
Guard of Honour.
Gun salute.
Top row: Colin at the graves of his uncle and Sgt Telfer
Bottom row: Sgt Cook and Sgt Evans
The family group in the churchyard and the crew of ED620.
Colin's visit to the crashsite.....very much unchanged.
The Ringkobing musuem displays parts of Lancaster ED620 and Sgt Evan's flying helmet.
The Association is very grateful to Colin Henderson for all his research.