Personnel Index - Detail
Awarded the DFM.
Flew 27 Hampden operations for 49Sqn in a variety of crew positions (plus one as a F/E in a Lancaster).
Sgt Maloney was posted to 83Sqn and killed on 18th August 1944 and is buried inĀ Islington.
Image kindly taken by Robert & Annette McEneaney.
The inscription has weathered over the years and was enhanced with "chalk and grass" to make it more legible.
Information researched by Colin Cripps:
At 15.35hrs on 18th of August 1944, Lancaster PB188 of 83 Squadron which had been returning from a day raid was descending through cloud when the aircraft suddenly went out of control. A number of the crew bailed out of the aircraft before the pilot was able to gain control and land the aircraft safely. F/Lt Maloney who was the wireless operator was one of those to bale out but was killed when his parachute failed to open.
An earlier incident.......
6/7 September, 1942; DUISBURG - NICKELS/RHEIMS:
Sgt Thom (R5744), flying as captain for the first time, successfully completed a leaflet sortie in the Rheims area of France. Meanwhile, the Main Force, comprising 207 bombers attacked Duisburg. The squadron dispatched 9 aircraft, all of which attacked the target successfully. Whilst on their bomb run P/O Jeffreys (R5752) and crew received three direct hits from flak, during which time the 2nd pilot, Sgt Gregory-Coleman RAAF and Sgt Maloney were wounded. The aircraft Captain managed to nurse his Lancaster back to England where over Orfordness he ordered four crew members to parachute to safety. P/O Jeffreys remained at the controls in order to attempt a safe landing with his wounded comrades onboard. A belly landing was made at Martlesham Heath airfield, but sadly too late for Sgt Gregory-Coleman who had succumbed to his injuries.
Lancaster R5752
P/O G.S. Jeffreys Pilot (Injured)
Sgt W.P.J. Gregory-Coleman RAAF 2nd Pilot (Killed)
Sgt J. Harrison (Safe)
Sgt O.D. Blaha W/AG (Safe)
Sgt W.L. Van Der Dasson RCAF (Safe)
Sgt J.C. Morgan (Safe)
Sgt P. Maloney W/AG (Injured)