Personnel Index - Detail
Awarded the DFC.
November 1943:
Shortly after midnight F/O Tebbenham, the station meteorological officer chats with F/O F. Wittmer, navigator, an Australian from Melbourne who has just completed his tour of 30 operations, including five to Berlin.
From L to R - F/O Tebbenham, F/O Wittmer, F/L Hidderley, G/C Grindell
Extract from "The Dog at War" - February 1944:
For one lucky crew, the Berlin raid was their final operation of a tour that began back in August 43 and included 10 trips to Berlin.
F/Lt Eric Hidderley (JB399) and crew left their faithful H-Harry in the trusted hands of 'A' Flight's groundcrew and said their goodbyes to 49Sqn.
In the photograph Sgt Gordon Cooper (Wop/AG in the crew) is posing for the official photographer.
"Posted out" 1998.