Personnel Index - Detail
10/11 February, 1941; HANNOVER:
Bomber Command dispatched 222 aircraft against industrial targets in Hannover. 49 Squadron had 12 aircraft airborne, following a briefing in which the Scampton Intelligence Officer had exhorted crews to cause 'maximum destruction' of their specified target. Whilst over Holland, Canadian pilot F/Lt John Green DFC (X3001) and crew fell victim to a German night fighter piloted by Lt Leopold Fellerer of II/NJG.2. The doomed aircraft crashed near Zuidscharwoude in Holland.
Three members of the crew survived and were taken prisoner; sadly Sgt David Cruickshank, who had also baled out, was already dead when his parachute came to earth at Broek op Langendijk. He had sustained a head wound and it is presumed that he struck the tail plane when jumping; Sgt Cruickshank is buried in Alkmaar Cemetery, Holland.
Hampden X3001 (EA-H)
F/L J.H. Green DFC Pilot (P.o.W.)
Sgt D.A. Cruickshank A/OB (Killed)
W/O A.L. Bryceson W/AG (P.o.W.)
W/O H.E. Fisher W/AG (P.o.W.)