Personnel Index - Detail
The orignal metal grave marker in the Berlin Cemetery
26/27 November, 1943; BERLIN:
On the previous trips Berlin had always been cloud covered, but on this occasion, as 440 Lancasters flew over the target the visibility was clear. Flak defences over Berlin, and fighters on the return leg accounted for 28 bombers and their crews.
This gloomy evening’s tragedies had not yet come to an end; W/O Ron Brunt (JB362) had failed to return from Berlin; the 21 year old pilot and his crew, flying in D-Dog, were brought down over Berlin and only the bomb aimer, Sgt Burrows managed to escape with his life; their navigator, Sgt Fred Ashman was only 19 years of age.
Lancaster JB362 (EA-D)
W/O R. Brunt Pilot (Killed)
Sgt H. Bronsky F/E (Killed)
Sgt F.E. Ashman NAV (Killed)
Sgt R.W. Norley DFM W/AG (Killed)
F/S R.P. O'Dea A/G (Killed)
Sgt J.G. Burrows B/A (P.o.W.)
Sgt E.D. Wilson A/G (Killed)
Crew on their 13th operation.
This airman flew Lancaster ED999 at least for an image and information about this aircraft.