Visit to the crash site of JB301
Werner Von Nida (witness when aged 15yrs) Mr Litty (Burgermeister), Peter Schreiber , Steffi Webber, Christian Schwein, Katja Bauer, Markus Buckley (grandson in law - Sgt Norman Fleming) Christine Jung, Paul Spires (nephew of Sgt Joseph spires) ,Karen Buckley (grand daughter of Sgt Norman Fleming) Norma Brimage (daughter of Sgt Norman Fleming) and Linda Spires (wife of Paul Spires).
Map showing the location of the crash site and initial place of burial.
Looking into the field where JB301 crashed.
Back Row:
Markus Buckley, Paul & Linda Spires, Norma Brimage , Karen Buckley, Roger & Georgina Howell and their children Oliver and Amy.
Front Row:
Peter Schreiber and Christian Schwein.