Boisdinghem, France 29 Mar 1918 - 30 Mar 1918
62500 Boisdinghem, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
The much appreciated map provided by the Mayor of Boisdinghem Monsieur Michel Lheureux
Looking east towards the hanger area
Looking across the entire airfield from the NW corner (looking SE)
49Sqn and Boisdinghem
29 Mar 1918 - 30 Mar 1918
Casualties: 1x DH4, 1x killed, 1 x pow 49Sqn moved to Boisdinghem from Les Eauvis but only stayed here for a day.
At this time, although the German offensive was slackening, the RFC was suffering record losses.
It appears likely that Boisdingen was a staging post for 49Sqn's move to the Channel coast at Petite Synthe near Dunkerque.