The Bomber Command Memorial (Location & Construction)

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The location of the Bomber Command Memorial

Computer generated impression

The computer generated image of the completed memorial

All images of the construction were taken in January 2012

Photographed by Malcolm Brooke

The footpath through Green Park is now closed off with a green security fence

Photographed by Malcolm Brooke

An information board gives details of the memorial

Photographed by Malcolm Brooke

The text from the information board

Photographed by Malcolm Brooke

The London bus gives you some idea of the scale with a view rom the "island" of Hyde Park Corner

Photographed by Malcolm Brooke

Several large blocks of Portland stone are complete with their carvings which are destined for the front of the memorial (see the CGI above)

Photographed by Malcolm Brooke

As you approach Hyde Park along Piccadilly the memorial is on your LHS
The hoarding carries details of Bomber Command's Victoria Cross winners


Photographed by Malcolm Brooke

The details of the award to F/L 'Babes' Learoyd of 49Sqn are detailed